Thursday, May 31, 2012

19 more days!

Should I be happy or sad? lol.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Soccer Baseball? Baseball Soccer? Baseball?? Soccer?? What?????

Watched, and learned this game. What a fun game, watching a bunch of kids running here and there! Another scary thing -- I've just picked up my earmuff and am wearing it. Must be the influence of a certain individual....

Tomorrow, back to business -- checking answers, hopefully gonna do a bit of singing.


Hang in there guys - one more day to go!!!


Friday, May 18, 2012

Happy Long Weekend!!

Yay... time to sleep in! =D =D =D and to do some gaming =D =D =D and to read =D =D =D

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Song For Canada Dress Rehearsal - ACTUAL LINK!!!

Song For Canada Dress Rehearsal

If you guys have a recording of the actual performance, I'd love to have access to it so I can put it up as well =)

Thanks guys once more-- looking forward to making more music with all you musicians!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Song For Canada Dress Rehearsal

Here you go guys! Managed to find a way to convert it into a MP3 =D


We will have THREE rows instead of FOUR.
BOYS will be AT THE BACK. 

This is what will happen:
First row (which is now the first row of girls!!!) will appear first, led by Mr. Rudd's side, MAYBE SITTING ON BENCH.
Second row (second row of girls) go up next, again, Mr. Rudd's class first, MAYBE STANDING ON STAGE
Third row, THE BOYS - to the back, on benches

We enter thru door closest to stage

Now, leaving the stage:
Third row, boys, Mr Rudd's side go first.
Second row follow, Mr Rudd's side
First row, Rudd's side.

We exit turn main gym door.

Things you might want to work on:
- memorizing it - no music tm
- making the sentences more smooth
- making a bigger sound
- boys: singing AHHHHHHHH instead of doh, ti, la's
- walking (so you'll look gd going up and down the stage)
- carrying a smile =D

Dress code: RED, WHITE, BLACK

Please arrive at library at 6:30pm tm for warm up/ rehearsal.

Let me know if you have any questions.

SO EXCITED!!!!!!! =D

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

NEWS: Yellow Submarine on Arts Night

Grade 6s- You'll be joining the performers for Yellow Submarine at the end of Arts Night. All you need to do is to join in at the chorus, and look lovely =)