Thursday, July 12, 2012

Hong kong hong kong!!!

Two weeks ago I was still sad from not seeing my kids... Now I have contact with one fifth of them, lol! Anyway, hk has been nothing short of fun. And hot. And expensive. And talk about hunting down Internet access!!!!! Lol so lucky to have Internet at home. Sometimes I feel like I've never really left hk at all. Everything's so familiar - the noise, the sights, the speed, the people, the cockroaches eeeekkkkkkksssss!!!!!!! SO GLAD we don't have those in Canada as well!!!!! Someday I'll upload some hk pics. iPad is not the most picture friendly device. Au revoir !!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Life goes on way too fast...

I'm still taking in all the sadness of leaving my PM school and now I talk to some of the kids almost on a daily basis, lol!

I still miss you guys. I'm going to decently inspect all the things you have given me when I come back from HK cuz right now life is way too hectic. I just spent the past 4 days cleaning up my things at my mom's apt, and have't even started packing for HK. Truth is that, I don't feel like going back that much. Everything's happening way too fast.

Oh well.

I hope you guys are having a decent summer =) Treasure these days cuz when you get to high school you'll be spending your summer in school doing summer courses!!! Which is not a bad thing, considering that you get to see your buddies =)

Have a great summer everyone!! I'll try to post often in HK but without internet connection at home, I might be hard!! =)

Friday, June 29, 2012

Thursday, June 28, 2012

OH NO!!! Forgot to take a pic of the farewell composite!!!!!


Would anyone be kind enough to take a picture of it and send it to me...??? I don't have a pic with all of you =(

My love affair with 50 kids.

This was kinda how it happened:

Sept 11 - ok....
Oct 11 - get me out of here, quick
Nov 11 - Feb 12 - get me out of here, NOW!
Mid Feb 12 -  the kids might be alright after all.
March 12, Math Night - wow. the staff actually work together for something for the kids! i like the staff!
March 12, student vs teacher v-ball - the kids are alright after all!
March Break 12 - when are we going back to school?
After March Break - there's only 3 and a half months with the kids?
April - oh no. I won't be seeing the kids after June.
May - only 1 more month left? What am I gonna do without them?
June - *sob*
Today - I love you all.

Moments that I will remember - gd AND bad things:

Train's Class:
- VJ's constant chatter, my constant "VJ stop.", his stopping and guilty look, and the restart of the whole thing 5 secs later
- attitudes! all those "Oh why can't we get Ms. M. back?"
- line ups and ppl always standing at the back of the portable (for whatever strange reasons!) I'm so hated at my other school cuz I got them to practice line up during recesses, lol!
- all your "Ms Tam, ___ did this to me!"s
- Ms. A's fan at the back of them room
- crazy hotness on EQAO days and looking at you guys working so hard under the heat, and feeling really sorry for you
- beautiful singing
- "you're going to miss us?" in a very surprised way.
- "you hate us don't you?" in a very casual way.

Rudd's Class:
- constant talking, from the whole class, that drives me crazy every single time/ day/ minute.
- ppl leaving the room WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!
- hostility!
- Mr. J beatboxing to the ABC song
- My yelling at Mr Y and some other ppl yelling back "Oh wow even Y's getting in trouble!" (lol I don't even rememeber what happened)
- "All is well" from Mr A. Out of nowhere. And how you guys reacted afterwards
- George Clooney!
- Andy Lau!!!! (and Mr. Y ALMOST guessing my age! that was close lol!)
- the moment when someone from the third row (either Mr A or Y) asked why I was going back to HK in Feb, how I hesitated for a sec and decided to tell.
- ppl who never want to leave the room at the end of the day
- training certain individuals to sing

- G. B. A.!!!!!!!!! you guys are crazily good!
- students vs teachers v-ball game: i would have been cheering out loud and screaming were i not a teacher. i get VERY animated and loud when watching sports. i really regretted not playing then, and kinda told myself that I would so do it if the chance arises, which happened when we had....
- students vs teachers b-ball!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg luckily I got 1 in!!!!!! if not I'd really need to dig a hole and hide myself!
- how crazy some of you are (lol)
- how you guys made me laugh, and how I tried to hold on to my poker face and failed.
- after school singing practices
- all your performances. I was gonna give you guys an air kiss but for whatever reason that didn't happen, lol!
- bowling trip. sadly no pics were taken =(
- talent show
- grad! =')
- watching you guys playing on the field was the best out of all =)

Must have missed some. I'm too tired from all the emotions experienced today. I'll add them as I recall them. What are the 2 or 3 things that you guys will remember?

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Today; tomorrow.

Seeing my kids all pretty and handsome is the cutest.
Seeing them coming up onto the stage one by one, graduating grade 6 is the most satisfying.
Having them sing for me for one last time is the most bittersweet.
Seeing them enjoying their time with family and friends is the happiest.

Knowing that I probably won't ever see them again after tomorrow is the saddest.
Saying bye will be the toughest.

And the weirdest is, I don't even know why I love them so much.

Sick! =(

Staying at home getting as much sleep as I can before the afternoon ceremony!!!!